This article elaborate the steps
required to create an Entity Data Model and re-use it in a separate
.Net Project like
a Console Application, a Windows Forms project, ASP.NET Project or a
WPF Project.
Consider a situation where you have created a entity data model using an existing database and you want that to use in another projects. Then a question arises is this possible ,If yes then how i can achieve this? Below are the steps which will guide you to create a Entity data model and use it in another .Net project.
Here is my previous link which will describes you how to create a entity data model from an existing database.Once it is created then the below steps will describe you how to use this model in a Console Application.
Consider a situation where you have created a entity data model using an existing database and you want that to use in another projects. Then a question arises is this possible ,If yes then how i can achieve this? Below are the steps which will guide you to create a Entity data model and use it in another .Net project.
Here is my previous link which will describes you how to create a entity data model from an existing database.Once it is created then the below steps will describe you how to use this model in a Console Application.
Using the
Entity Model in a Console Application
We will now use
the model we created above, in a Console Application.
Step 1:
RightClick on solution > Add > New Project > In the
templates, select Windows > Console Application. Make sure the
target framework is '.NET Framework 4.5'. Give it a name. We are
using 'ConsoleAppUsingEFModel'. Click Ok.
Step 2:
Let us now add a reference to the model we created earlier, in this
console application. Right click on the project > Add Reference >
Go to solution folder > Projects > select the
EntityFrameworkModel.dll as shown below. Click OK.
Step 3: Add a reference to the System.Data.Entity. Right click on the project > Add Reference > Go to Assemblied folder > Framework > select the as shown below. Click OK.
Step 4:
Then we need to provide the connection string information to the new
console application. You can achieve this in two ways:
adding the connectionstring entry of 'EntityFrameworkModel' into the
app.config file of 'consoleAppUsingEFModel' project.
(b)By copying the
App.config file of EntityFrameworkModel
project in 'ConsoleAppUsingEFModel' project.(Right click the project
> Add Existing Item > Go to the EntityFrameworkModel
project and add the App.config file.)
Step 5: In
this final step you need to add the Entityframework dll from the
NuGet Packages.
Click on Solution explore > Manage Nuget Packages for Solution >
Go to Online > NuGet offical package source > In the search box
search for EntityFramework > Click on install. Select Project
Popup will open. Select the two projects > Click on Ok >
License Acceptance popup will open > Click on I Accept > Click
on close to close the NugetPackage.
Step 6:
Build the solution and make sure that it is erorr free.Once the steps
shown above are completed, you now need to add data in database
(LogInDetail Table) using the below codes. Open Program.cs and add
two name spaces :
Write the
following query in your Main method.
context = new
loginDetails = new
= "pallavipraharaj",
= "password",
= DateTime.Now
is successfully used in another .net project.");
Here is the demo.Have a look.
Nice one Pallavi.
ReplyDeleteGood one (y)